A Super Tea Story
We found protein in tea. We even found prebiotic fiber. Our goal is to find everything that can possibly be found in tea! And so it goes.
We are serious about this, dear Lazika friends. And you are the ones who notice this the most. Every year, we strive to do the impossible. We are not only aiming to do what hasn’t been done in our country, but globally as well. And in doing so, we try to add value to our products and enhance the quality of our tea. This is very important for us. Located in Ardeşen, by the Fırtına Stream, Lazika. As one of our friends puts it, we’re in a place where even delivery companies get scared when they hear our address. But our goal is to be a world tea emerging from the Anatolian countryside.
Last Year’s Agenda
Last year, our agenda was superfoods. The modern life we live has made it mandatory to search for extra “benefits” in the foods and drinks we consume. It’s no longer enough for a tomato to be fresh, pesticide-free, and delicious for many people. We’re after the lycopene in its skin. Would the world be a better place if there were more lycopene instead of just more tomatoes? We’re tea lovers, after all. Tea drinkers are emotional beings. I can't answer this question. But what I do know is that in the past, habits, taste, and maybe just enjoying the moment were the factors that influenced decision-making. But now, these aren't enough. At least not for many people.
Lazika’s Values
Dear Lazika friends, as you know very well, Lazika has 3 core values: being natural, being tasty, and being beneficial. Being both natural and making super tea is certainly not an easy task. But Lazika draws its strength from nature, its unique flora, and, of course, the hardworking women of the Black Sea. We’ve made the most natural super teas possible.
Two Major Problems of Humankind
We wanted to address two major problems faced by humankind. What are they? One is the physical wear and tear that comes with time, and the other is gut health. We understand tea, but we can’t solve these problems on our own with tea. However, tea is essentially a blend. The work of blending goodness.
Natural Tea, Natural Products
After a brief R&D process, two amazing products appeared before us. Peptide Collagen and 100% herbal fiber. Both are 100% natural. Just like our tea. To be honest, we used Collagen and Herbal Fiber products from a brand that produces in line with Lazika's values and has been very successful in America and Europe.
Benefits of Collagen and Prebiotic Fiber
Peptide Collagen is a heat-resistant, water-soluble food supplement. Collagen, which has an adhesive property in the human body, unfortunately, starts to be consumed more than our body produces from the early 20s. As a result, collagen support from food (and beverages) becomes an important factor for skin, nail, joint, and hair health as we age.
Herbal fiber is also the best-known prebiotic source. Prebiotics are important for our gut flora, as they are the food for probiotics.
How Did We Produce It?
So how did we bring these two precious natural ingredients together with our tea? The trend is generally to combine all the elements inside a tea bag. However, we wanted to develop a production method that would enhance absorption and thus the effect of the tea. Our production team managed to do this and found a way to incorporate Collagen and Fiber into our green tea during its production process.
Result: Super Teas
This allowed us to increase the protein and fiber content achieved in one bag. Collagen and fiber became integrated with the green tea. Then, our team of botanists worked on it. We researched which plants would make the blend more effective than just collagen or fiber alone. After 6 months, we finalized our current formulas.
Our Collagen and Prebiotic Teas
Our Collagen Green Tea includes Lavender, Selenium, Rosehip, Orange Peel, and Hibiscus. Our Prebiotic Green Tea contains Fennel, Chamomile, Barut Tree Bark, and Vitamin D3.
Why Is This Tea Super?
Because in one bag, it contains 301mg of fiber and 237mg of collagen. The polyphenol content of green tea is over 15%, and the extract ratio is over 42%. The Selenium and Vitamin D3 content is at the recommended daily dosage in our teas.
We will continue to produce with hope, support each other, and continue the journey towards goodness.