The Differences Between Black Tea and Green Tea

The Differences Between Black Tea and Green Tea




Both green and black tea are made from the leaves of the same plant, Camellia Sinensis. The difference between black and green tea lies in the production technique. Green tea is a tea that undergoes minimal fermentation, whereas black tea is fermented, making it a slightly more complex tea in terms of production. 

Because of the difference in production techniques, their nutritional content also varies. 

Green Tea 

Green tea leaves are not fully fermented, which ensures that some important nutrients remain unchanged. Green tea contains less caffeine compared to black tea. It contains about 1/4 of the caffeine found in coffee. The leaves in green tea can also vary. For example, Lazika green tea is produced from young leaves manually picked at 2.5 leaves. 2.5 leaves refer to the top 2 leaves and the bud on top of them. This makes the green tea richer in both flavor and nutritional value. 

The fermentation rate of green tea is very low, which makes them richer in polyphenols. Also, its lack of oxidation makes it rich in EGCG, a highly effective antioxidant. When combined with a healthy diet and exercise, green tea may indeed contribute to a livelier metabolism. 

How to Brew Lazika Green Tea? 

Since Lazika green tea is produced from young leaves manually picked at 2.5 leaves, steeping it in water at 80-85 degrees Celsius will suffice. For an 800cc teapot, 1.5g of green tea will be sufficient. After steeping for approximately 4 minutes, you can enjoy your tea. We advise against adding sugar and recommend trying it plain. If you feel the need to add something, honey, lemon, or fresh mint can make a nice addition. 

Black Tea 

Black tea is a fermented tea. Fermentation allows for the differentiation of active substances. You can find detailed information about the active substances present in both black and green tea. 


How to Brew Black Tea? There is a detailed article about this, but I would like to mention briefly here as well. Brewing black tea requires patience. Tea brewing does not like haste. It's important to use good quality water (low in lime, balanced pH, and most importantly, high oxygen level). If you boil the water too much, the oxygen level inside decreases. 

Characteristics Black Tea  Green Tea 
Plant Camelia Sinensis Camelia Sinensis
Production Method Fermented and Oxidized Minimally Fermented
Taste Rich and Astringent Mild and Slightly Astringent
Antioxidant Present High
Caffeine Present Less Than Black Tea


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June 09, 2017
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